The Good Daddy


A good Daddy loves his God first, then his wife and in loving both of those well, he loves his children best.

A good Daddy is not perfect. He may or may not hold down the highest paying job or have a BA or MA on his wall, but he works hard to provide for his family knowing that they are counting on him. 

A good Daddy is sometimes impatient, sometimes gruff and sometimes a little thoughtless but a good Daddy always means well from the bottom of his heart.

A good Daddy knows these things about himself and can say out loud when he knows he’s had a rough day. He stops himself before he lets his emotions ever override his ultimate love for his family. 

A good Daddy gets tired and sometimes needs a break but he knows there are baseball games and school programs to attend so he puts his exhaustion on the shelf for awhile and puts on his inner cheerleader and goes off to coach the game.

A good Daddy’s children know where to go when the hurts of life overwhelm them. They learn by watching him pray and pour his heart out to God when his own fears and frustrations drive him to his knees.  They know how to be thankful and appreciative of the little things because they see that in him when he’s been sick and the neighbor comes over to mow the grass the same way they know how to give when they see that he never stops at his own sidewalk when shoveling the snow. 

A good Daddy is not fake because he loves his neighbor and his children and always tries to do to and for them as he would have done unto himself. He doesn’t boast of any of his charity or accomplishments but gives God the glory for allowing him to be used. 

A good daddy has children who understand that he’s human because in his own humility, he admits it. He never tries to be perfect; he just loves as God commanded him to. 

A good Daddy corrects when correction is needed and loves a little harder when even a small thing can seem like and internal earthquake to a child.

A good Daddy produces young women who grow up to know how to be treated well. They have confidence in themselves because he has always honored them and taken care of them and their mother. 

A good Daddy produces young men who will be some young ladies pride and joy one day. He will be just like his Daddy some day and will know from example how a woman should be treated and how to be a loving father.  When his children bear witness, the cycle will continue. 

A good Daddy trust’s God and teaches his family that the true value of life is to know him and have a personal relationship with him.

If you are blessed with a good Daddy like I was, you are very blessed indeed. If you were not, I can tell you there is a Father who knows you and loves you more than any earthly father ever could.  He wants to hold you and guide you.  He wants to be your everything. He wants to fill the holes in your life left by the hard knocks and failures of others around you. He loves you so much that he sent his own son to die in your place.  He can more than take the place of an earthly father.  His love for you is immeasurable for he is the ultimate Good and Perfect Daddy!

My Father in 1982. I only had him for 5 more years after this. At only 27, I was way too young when I lost him and oh how I miss him.